ISE Course Description

ISE 205 Engineering Probability and Statistics (3-0-3)

Data description and presentation. Basic concepts in probability. Random variables and probability distributions. Joint Probability Distributions. Covariance and correlation. Sampling distributions. Point estimation of parameters.
Prerequisite: MATH 102 

ISE 291 Introduction to Data Science (3-0-3)

A hands-on introductory level course on data science techniques and applications. Preliminary statistics, programming, and SQL. Basic data acquisition, cleaning, manipulation and pre-processing. Emphasis on: Data understanding and preparation; Exploratory data analysis and visualization. Implementing and validating linear and penalized regression, basic classification and basic clustering methods. Introduction to big data analysis.
Prerequisite: MATH 102 or MATH 106, ICS 104 

ISE 303 Operations Research I (3-0-3)

Modeling in Operations Research. Linear Programming: Simplex Method, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis. Network Models: Shortest-Route Problem, PERT/CPM, Maximum Flow Problem, Minimal Spanning Tree Problem, Transportation and Assignment Problems. Goal Programming.
Prerequisite: MATH 208 

ISE 307 Engineering Economic Analysis (3-0-3)

Introduction to concepts of economic decision-making from a cash flow viewpoint. It includes present worth analysis, cash flow equivalence, rates of return, replacement analysis, benefit-cost analysis, depreciation and taxes, and projects break-even point, selection, and sensitivity analysis.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing 

ISE 315 Engineering Statistics (3-0-3)

Review for estimation. Statistical intervals using single and two samples. Test of hypothesis for single and two samples. Applications of test of hypothesis in engineering. Simple and multiple linear regression and their applications. Design and analysis of single-factor experiments: analysis of variance. Design of experiments with several factors. Case studies in engineering statistics.
Prerequisite: ISE 205 or STAT 319 

ISE 320 Quality Control and Industrial Statistics (3-0-3)

Introduction to quality control and process improvement. Cost of quality and the effects of quality on productivity. Concepts of variation. Statistical process control (SPC tools). Control charts for variables and attributes and their applications in process control. Process capability studies. Acceptance sampling. Case studies in applied quality control.
Corequisite: ISE 315 

ISE 321 Optimization Methods (3-0-3)

Formulation of engineering and planning problems as integer or nonlinear programs. Cutting planes and the branch and bound approach for IPs. Optimality conditions. Solution algorithms for unconstrained and constrained NLPs.
Prerequisite: ISE 303 

ISE 324 Work and Process Improvements (2-0-2)

This course explains methods design and work measurement, process analysis, operation analysis, introduction to human engineering, standardization, work measurement, predetermined motion-time systems, standard data, and work sampling.
Prerequisite: ISE 205 or STAT 319 

ISE 351 Cooperative Work (0-0-6)

The Cooperative Work Program accounts for nine (9) credit hours, involves either a team-based or a single student-based project that is geared toward an integrated application of several pieces of Systems Engineering knowledge learned by the student in his undergraduate education thus far. The co-op project must address technical aspects of the practice of Systems Engineering, including analysis, experimentation and design, by utilizing the problem-solving techniques covered in the various required (core) and elective courses offered at the Systems Engineering department.
Prerequisites: ENGL 214, ISE 303, ISE 391, ISE 499, Junior Standing

ISE 391 Industrial Engineering Design (1-3-2)

Introduction to engineering design, formulation of design problems, the design process, design phases, IE and the design process, Quality function deployment for specifying design requirements, design strategies, generating alternatives, probabilistic consideration in design, communication issues, design evaluation, selection and implementation. Discussion of case studies including operations systems, manufacturing, quality, ergonomics, layout and scheduling. Includes team project with an application in manufacturing or service industry.
Prerequisites: ISE 205 or STAT 319, ENGL 214, Junior Standing 

ISE 398 Internship (0-0-6)

A 15-week program of industrial training approved by the department. The student must submit a comprehensive report on his work during that period.
Prerequisites: ENG 214, ISE 391, ISE 499, Junior Standing 

ISE 399 Summer Training (0-0-0)

An 8-week program of industrial training approved by the department. The student must submit a report on his work during that period.
Prerequisites: ENG 214, ISE 499, Junior Standing or Approval of Department 

ISE 402 Production Systems and Inventory Control (3-0-3)

Elements of functional organization, Forecasting in production systems, Product and process design considerations, Deterministic and stochastic inventory systems, Capacity planning and material requirement planning (MRP), Computer applications in production control and case studies and applications.
Prerequisites: ISE 205 or STAT 319, ISE 303 or (MATH 106, OM 210, OM 311 for KBS) 

ISE 405 Stochastic Systems Simulation (2-3-3)

Basic discrete-event simulation modeling, queuing models, simulation languages, review of basic probability and statistics, random-number generators, generating random variables, output data analysis, validation of simulation models. A simulation language is used in the lab to illustrate simulation models on real case studies.
Prerequisite: ISE 315 

ISE 411 Senior Design Project I (0-1-0)

This is the first of two courses for the multidisciplinary, capstone project. Multidisciplinary teams will be formed, projects will be defined, and project management discussed.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing

ISE 412 Senior Design Project II (0-6-3)

This is the second of two courses for the multidisciplinary, capstone project. Multidisciplinary teams undertake product definition, generation of conceptual designs, product development, and presentation of final products. Students integrate knowledge acquired from prior courses into multidisciplinary projects with multiple constraints and use engineering standards while further developing their communication skills and life-long learning techniques.
Prerequisite: ISE 391, ISE 411, and ISE 499  

ISE 413 Productivity Engineering and Management (3-0-3)

Introduction to productivity, productivity factors, measurement of productivity, planning for productivity, total productivity model, product base productivity improvement, and employee based productivity improvement, productivity improvement programs, case studies and class project.
Prerequisite: ISE 324 

ISE 420 Quality Improvement Methods (3-0-3)

Introduction to principles and philosophies of total quality management, advance methods for process control, six sigma approach to quality, Quality function deployment (QFD) and Taguchi approach to quality and parameter optimization.
Prerequisite: ISE 320 

ISE 422 Facility Layout and Location (3-0-3)

Introduction to facility planning issues. Material handling. Facility location and layout and computer-aided techniques and packages. Storage and warehousing functions, emphasizing quantitative and simulation techniques.
Prerequisite: ISE 303 

ISE 426 Operations Research II (3-0-3)

Deterministic and probabilistic dynamic programming. Stochastic programming. Poisson process. Theory of queues. Markov Chains.
Prerequisite: ISE 303 

ISE 429 Maintenance Planning and Control (3-0-3)

Maintenance Organization, Maintenance strategy, Forecasting maintenance work, Maintenance capacity planning, Component replacement decision models, Maintenance Measurement and Standards, Scheduling of maintenance, Maintenance material control, Quality of maintenance jobs, Maintenance productivity, Maintenance audit, Maintenance management information systems, Case Studies.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing

ISE 430 Industrial Engineering in Healthcare Systems (3-0-3)

The course covers topics in healthcare management and operations improvement. The course will cover topics from healthcare prospective and application such as scheduling, simulation, data analysis, productivity, resource allocation, decision-making, etc. Students will become familiar with current methods and resources for implementing change in a health care setting, such as a hospital.
Prerequisites: Senior Standing, Approval of Instructor 

ISE 440 Engineering Project Management (3-0-3)

This course deals with projects in engineering organizations including product development. Topics include project initiation; effective project management; project risk management project life cycle; planning and scheduling including PERT/CPM; resourcing; cost estimating; and project monitoring and control. Case studies and project management software.
Prerequisite: ISE 307  

ISE 443 Human Factors Engineering (2-3-3)

Study of human response into man-machine systems. Study of visual displays as a medium of input. Auditory and tactual displays. Human control of systems. Control tools and related devices. Applied anthropometry and workplace design. Physical space arrangement, Environment, Illumination, Atmospheric conditions and noise.
Prerequisite: ISE 205 

ISE 447 Decision Making (3-0-3)

Basic decision-making model under certainty with multiple criteria as well as under pure Uncertainty, Risk, Risk with information and conflict with single criteria. Structuring decision problems as well as applications in systems engineering are emphasized through problem sets, case studies and term project.
Prerequisites: ISE 205, Junior Standing 

ISE 448 Sequencing and Scheduling (3-0-3)

Scheduling problems, optimality of schedules, processing, basic single machine results, precedence constraints and efficiency, constructive algorithms for flow-shops and job-shops, dynamic programming approaches, branch and bound methods, integer programming formulations, hard problems and NP-completeness. Heuristic methods: general approaches and worst-case bounds, simulated annealing approach.
Prerequisite: ISE 303 

ISE 455 Applied Models for Optimal Decisions (3-0-3)

Review of decision making under uncertainty and risk. Linear and linear programming for deterministic decision making. Chance constrained and two stage stochastic programming. Risk analysis, robust and queuing theory. New concepts will be presented through cases studies using inductive teaching. Students must work on a project that demonstrates their understanding of decision making under uncertainty applied to a real case.
Prerequisite: ISE 447 

ISE 460 Industrial Process Re-Engineering (3-0-3)

Introduction to function and Process Organization, strategy plan and business context, stockholder analysis, value and non-value added activities, process identification, process architect & align, understanding of existing process, mapping and process evaluation, measures and target setting, process visioning, process renew and re-engineering, element for essential and sustainability, continues improvements.
Prerequisite: ISE 324 

ISE 463 Theory of Stochastic Processes (3-0-3)

Basic review of probability, statistical independence, conditional expectation and characteristic function. Introduction to stochastic processes, stationarity and ergodicity. Markov chains and Poisson processes. Linear models of continuous- and discrete- time stochastic processes. Engineering applications.
Prerequisite: ISE 315 

ISE 464 Industrial Information Systems (2-3-3)

Design of industrial information systems. Focus on the planning, control of the flow of engineering and industrial information. Information systems requirements, analysis, and design. Students are required to work on a project of applied nature.
Prerequisite: ISE 365 

ISE 465 Industrial Safety (3-0-3)

The scope of occupational safety: Human safety, Environmental safety, Setting safety standard: Safety administration, Legal aspect of industrial safety.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing 

ISE 468 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analytics (3-0-3)

An introduction to data analysis, clustering algorithms, classification algorithms, and R programming language.
Prerequisite: ISE 205 or STAT 319 

ISE 470 Supply Chain Systems Modeling (3-0-3)

This course adopts a modeling approach to supply chains that is designed to study trade-offs between system costs and customer service. Topics covered include supply chain design, multi-location inventory-distribution models, bullwhip effect, delayed differentiation, and e-commerce and supply chain. The key insights provided by such system-wide models will be illustrated through the use of software packages, real cases discussion and presentations and term projects. In addition, the course will highlight the role of information technology in supporting supply chain operations.
Prerequisite: ISE 402 

ISE 472 Logistics and Transportation Systems (3-0-3)

Logistics and its role in the supply chain; transportation and its relationship to logistics; design of distribution networks; types of facilities in a logistics system; facility location models in logistics; transportation systems in logistics; transportation modes; mode selection; optimization of short- and long-haul transportation operations; routing and scheduling in transportation; logistics information systems.
Prerequisite: ISE 321, ISE 402

ISE 480 Reliability and Maintainability (3-0-3)

Introduction to Reliability Engineering, hazard and reliability functions, analyzing reliability data, reliability prediction and modeling, fault tress construction and decision tables, maintainability, maintenance and availability, reliability improvement.
Prerequisite: ISE 315 

ISE 482 (ISE 490) Senior Design Project (1-6-3)

A design course that draws upon various components of the undergraduate curriculum. The project typically contains problem definition, analysis, evaluation and selection of alternatives. Real life applications are emphasized where appropriate constraints are considered. Oral presentation and a report are essential for course completion. The work should be supervised by faculty member(s). Team projects are acceptable wherever appropriate.
Prerequisite: ISE 391, ISE 499

ISE 487 Predictive Analytics Techniques (3-0-3)

Characteristics of time series, trends, seasonality, noise, stationarity; Statistical background and model evaluation methods; Time series regression, variable selection and general linear regression; Exponential Smoothing and seasonal data; ARIMA based models including MA, AR, ARMA, ARIMA and SARIMA, Model validation and parameter estimation; Advance predictive analytics: Multivariate prediction, state space models, neural networks, spectral analysis and Bayesian methods.
Prerequisites: (MATH 405 or ISE 315), (ICS 103 or ICS 104) 

ISE 491 Special Topics in Operations Research (3-0-3)

A course in an area of operation research reflecting current theory and practice.
Prerequisite: Approval of Department 

ISE 492 Special Topics in Production and Quality Control (3-0-3)

A course in an area of production and quality control reflecting current theory and practice.
Prerequisite: Approval of Department 

ISE 493 Special Topics in IE/OR (3-0-3)

A course in an area of reliability and maintenance reflecting current theory and practice.
Prerequisite: Approval of Department 

ISE 496 Industrial Strategic Planning & Balanced Scorecard (3-0-3)

Introduction to Strategic Planning and BSC, development of strategy plans, Creating the Strategy Focused Organization, Building Strategy Map, Building Strategy Map for Private sectors, Building Strategy Map for non -profit organizations, Develop Balanced Scorecard Cooperate, Creating Business Unit Synergy (Department BSC), Individual BSC (Defining Personal and Team Objectives).
Prerequisite: Senior Standing 

ISE 499 Seminars (1-0-0)

The purpose of this course is to raise students' awareness of contemporary issues in their discipline and otherwise. The student has to attend a required number of seminars, workshops, professional societal meetings or governmental agency conferences; at least half of these should address issues in his discipline. The student has to attend a required number of industrial visits.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing