ISE Graduate Programs

The Department of Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE) started offering a Master of Science program in 1984. Over time, the single graduate program evolved into four programs. Now, these four programs offered by ISE are:

  1. Master of Science in ISE
  2. Master of Engineering in ISE
  3. PhD in ISE
  4. MX (Professional Master) Program in ISE

The programs reflect the importance of interdisciplinary endeavors in the solution of real problems. The composition of the faculty exhibits this aspect as does the policy of admitting qualified students from various technical backgrounds upon completion of a B.S. and Master Degrees.

The primary thrust of ISE Graduate Programs is to graduate engineers who can carry out modern automation technology tools of industrial systems existing in all engineering disciplines and industries such as oil industry, petrochemical industry, steel industry, power systems etc., as well as nonmanufacturing systems. At the Ph.D. level, graduates should be able to conduct necessary research and development work in process industries, government ministries well as military establishments in addition to teaching at the University level.