MX in ISE - Master of Maintenance and Reliability
This interdisciplinary program offers a mastery level knowledge and modern skills that are critical for keeping engineered systems and equipment up, safe, and well configured to achieve maximum performance, reliability, and utilization while minimizing failure, downtime, and cost. As plants and industrial systems are tuned for maximum performance, and many are mission-critical, the need for professionals well versed in the latest IR4.0 and digitalization technologies and who are knowledgeable in keeping these systems reliable is increasing rapidly.
The program will prepare professionals from various engineering backgrounds to develop proactive maintenance and reliability strategies that keep systems safe to operate with high availability and reliability. It covers maintenance management (strategy, forecasting, capacity planning, preventive, standards, auditing, etc.), advanced reliability (measures, reliability curve, assessment, failure analysis and prediction, reliability growth, etc.), maintenance data analytics (regression, association rules, clustering and classification, automated data mining, scheduling, etc.), and intelligent condition maintenance (e.g. residual lifecycle, condition monitoring and inspection, preventive maintenance decision optimization
Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering are eligible to apply. The general requirements for admission to the Master program in M & R are:
- A Grade-Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on a scale of 4.00
- Completion of TOFEL with a minimum score of 520 (PBT),190 (CBT) or 70 (IBT). IELTS is also acceptable (MIN 6.0). TOEFL is not required for KFUPM Students with an average of B or above in the three English courses at the Batcheler level (ENGL 101, 102 and 214).
- At least two letters of recommendation
Please note that satisfying the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the program, as final admission is subject to an evaluation of the entire application, and the personal interview. Based on the assessment of the applicant file and the personal interview, the admission committee might offer conditional acceptance for students who need to take deficiency courses.
Program Requirements
Total of eight courses plus 6 hours project
Total Credit hours: 30 credits.
Program Educational Objectives
- Lead the execution of integrated maintenance projects and demonstrate interpersonal skills including teamwork and communication skills.
- Pursue a successful professional and career growth through lifelong learning or advance degree, and
- Conduct their work professionally and ethically with attention to safety, environment, economic and social aspects.
Student Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
- Discuss and describe how IoT is used in predicative maintenance.
- Identify effects of unplanned maintenance.
- Design effective maintenance strategies to ensure systems high availability and uptime.
- Apply the acquired knowledge to propose effective reliability programs.
- Formulate state of the art condition monitoring models and technologies to develop effective condition-based maintenance.
- Make optimal maintenance decisions considering systems availability, environment, and societal impact.
- Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities that professional maintenance engineers and managers should uphold.
- Lead teams to accomplish maintenance projects.
Program Requirements