PhD Program in ISE
The Industrial and Systems Engineering PhD program started in 1995. Many students have graduated from this program. The PhD program in Industrial and Systems Engineering strives to develop graduates who are academic leaders, with high independence, creativity, and innovation in their academic fields. The University offers scholarships for students who seek the PhD program at King Fahd University and Petroleum and Minerals.
Graduates with a master degree in ISE or related areas from a recognized institution are eligible to apply for admission to the Ph.D program provided they satisfy the graduate school admission requirements. Eligible applicants with deficiency in their background will be required to remove any deficiencies identified by the department.
Program Requirements
Every PhD student has to take ten courses and undertake a dissertation in his major area that counts for twelve credit hours. The ten courses are composed of eight courses in the major area and two in the minor area that will be selected by the student in consultation with his advisor. The PhD courses will be from the 500 and 600 levels. A PhD student may complete the ten courses by taking two directed research courses. Students from other areas or who complete their master in other institutions may be required to take more courses as make-up.
Program Educational Objectives
- Prepare leaders in the field of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE).
- Identify research gaps in their field.
- Discover new knowledge to close research gaps in ISE.
- Prepare ethical scholars with the ability to create new knowledge in ISE.
Student Outcomes
- Perform critical reviews of the literature in ISE.
- Present and demonstrate depth of knowledge in ISE.
- Formulate and submit basic and applied research proposals for funding bodies.
- Disseminate the results of their research and scholarship by oral and written communication to a variety of audiences.
- Demonstrate an awareness of ethical issues related to intellectual right property, plagiarism, and commercialization of innovation.
Program Requirements